COVID-19 gets its name from ‘Corona Virus Disease’ which had its outbreak first at 2019. Corona virus is a large family of common virus that causes infections like common cold, cough, fever, sore throat, to respiratory disorder. It derives its name from its crown like projections. It is passed from person to person through the droplets spread in the air, or to the nearby surface, when a person coughs or sneeze. When we happen to touch the surface by hand, our hands may get in contact with the viruses. It enters our body through nose and mouth easily from our hands.
This virus had its first breakout in Wuhan, China. And it spread throughout the world. The virus spread very fast affecting lakhs of people in many countries all over the world. Though it shows many symptoms such as fever, dry cough and tiredness. An affected person may remain asymptomatic from 2 to 14 days or may have very less common symptoms such as.
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes
So without knowing that himself/herself affected by the virus he/she may spread it to others. So it is always to safe to follow few simple measures to keep us away from infecting. Many can get cured themselves without hospitalization. But with few severe symptoms such as
Severe symptoms :
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
chest pain or pressure
loss of speech or movement, need immediate medical care especially the elderly people, people with diabetes, heart diseases or any other medical ailments.
Simple ways to keep yourself away from virus infection:
Maintain six feet distance with others in public places.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth to avoid infection spreading from your hands.
Avoid going out unless and otherwise necessary.
Wear a cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose when around others.
Wash your hands often with soap and water by rubbing the hands for 20 seconds especially before having food or preparing food, wiping your nose or if you come in contact with the person who has cold or cough. Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water is not available.
Avoid crowded indoor spaces like gatherings and functions.
Self-isolate yourself at home if you are feeling ill with symptoms that could be COVID-19 or have a positive test for COVID-19. This will stop spreading the infection to others.
Drink lot of liquids or water, eat healthy food and take rest. These all will help to boost immunity usually from getting infected.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
This covid 19 is declared as a world wide pandemic by WHO. Most of the countries announced complete lockdown to avoid the spread of the disease. Vaccinations are given to the people.
Second Wave:
Viruses sometimes change a little bit when they replicate themselves. These changes are called mutations. The mutations increases when they widely spread among populations and cause infections. But these mutations will not have any effects regarding the spread and infections caused by it usually. But sometimes according to where the changes happens in the genetic material of the virus it might have changes in its properties.
New vaccines has been developed and injected which can give a immune strength to protect from covid 19 virus but the changes or mutations in the viruses must not make the vaccines ineffective.
The second wave began to spread mainly because of the unawareness of the public. Let us follow the simple steps to save ourselves and our family against the infections.No doubt that this pandemic struck the daily and usual activities of the mankind, stopped the growth of many buisness, become an economic crisis period to overcome. But only our own awareness regarding the spreading of the disease and following the simple steps to stop the spread of infection will help us to eradicate and get rid of this pandemic.