daily updates
- 4 years agoIs twitter and facebook getting banned in India?
- 4 years agoWhat is Black fungus
- 4 years agoHow to reduce screen time in lockdown
- 4 years agoHow do corona vaccines work
Earlier, social media were only treated newscaster and interpreter. But as time flies, this idea has become erroneous. Most of…
FITNESS BANDS Fitness bands or fitness trackers are mostly used in the form of wrist bands. Nowadays many use this…
QR codes or Quick Response codes is a type of a two dimensional barcode which can be read by a…
பொய்யாமை யன்ன புகழில்லை எய்யாமை எல்லா அறமுந் தரும் Once a king was curious to know how a person make use of…
வகையறச் சூழா தெழுதல் பகைவரைப் பாத்திப் படுப்பதோ ராறு In a coastal village, there was a lighthouse. Since the area had lot…
நில்லாத வற்றை நிலையின என்றுணரும் புல்லறி வாண்மை கடை One day, Napoleon, the Emperor, was celebrating his day in a joyful mood….
எந்நன்றி கொன்றார்க்கும் உய்வுண்டாம் உய்வில்லை செய்ந்நன்றி கொன்ற மகற்கு A fisherman lived by the seaside. As he grew old and weakened, he…