உருவுகண்டு எள்ளாமை வேண்டும் உருள்பெருந்தேர்க்கு
அச்சாணி அன்னார் உடைத்து.

Once there lived a huge bear in a beautiful forest. It’s daily routine is to eat well and sleep well and roam in the forest. One day it was roaming in the forest in search of food. After searching for a long time it found a beehive with lot of honey in a tree.

The bear was noticing the movements in the hive and was planning how to take the honey and eat. The bear went near the hive and was losely watching the hive. Meanwhile a bee which went out returned to the hive. It saw the bear watching the hive.

The bee asked why it was near the hive?. The bear replied arrogantly that it is going to take all the honey from the hive. The bee was afraid hearing this. It begged to the bear not to do any harm to the hive, because it is their house.

The bear replied the bee, ” You are just a small bee. I’m a huge animal. How can you stop me from taking the honey. I need the honey and I’m taking it for sure. And I belive strongly you can’t do me anything.

The bee understood the situation so it told the bear, “All right. I will just get in and take all my belongings from the house.” The bear accepted.

The bee entered the beehive and informed all the bees about the conversation it had with the bear. At once a swarm of bees from
the hive came out and began to sting the bear in fraction of second before the bear could realize what had happened.

The bear suffered out of pain and began to run. The swarm of bees too buzzed behind the bear and continued to sting. At last the bear out of pain and no other save itself from the bees fell in to the river. And the bees also returned to the hive.

The bear realized not to judge anyone by their looks and size. As commonly said ” Don’t judge a book by its cover.”