எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள்
மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு.

A farmer had a sheep and a goat. They were very close friends. Wherever they went, they went together as one. They played together at
his home. One day, when the farmer was not there at home The sheep and goat entered into field, all the plants that were planted were destroyed by them, causing great damage. When the farmer returned, The angry farmer said, “You shouldn’t stay here anymore. Go away, no matter where.”

The goat and the sheep placed their possessions in a sack and set off. Carrying the sack, they wandered away.

The sheep had much of strength, but it was coward. The goat had lion’s courage. But, it was without strength. While wandering they began to walk in to a forest. There they found a dead body of a wolf and found its head seperated from its body.

“Pick up the head of that wolf. You have the strength to lift”, said the goat. “You take it”, said the sheep.

Both joined together and placed the head of the wolf in their sack. Carrying the sack, both of them walked. At a short distance, they saw the light of a fire. They decided to go to the source of the light. It would be warmer there. And also we can protect ourselves from the wolf attack, said the goat.

Looking around, they proceeded cautiously. When they went closer to the light, they were shocked. There, three wolves were preparing food.

The wolves saw them. The goat and sheep found no way to escape from the wolves.

With determination, the goat moved a step forward and asked, “How are you friends?”. The sheep was shivering inside.

“Oh, friends, are we friends to you?” asked the wolves. “We will complete the preparation of our food and then will come to you. Where you can run?” asked a wolf.

Contemplating how to escape from these situations, the sheep was thinking deeply.

“Courageous goat replied, “we’ve caught and killed some wolves today. Let’s show the head of the wolves. Then you will understood who we are.” said in a stern voice.

The strategy of the goat became clear to the sheep. It took the wolf’s head from the sack and held the head.

“Hey, foolish sheep! Take the head of the bigger wolf to show from sack. You are holding the head of the smaller one, show the bigger one,” shouted the clever goat, mocking the sheep.

The sheep placed the head in the sack. It took the same head out again.

In a fit of anger, the goat shouted cunningly, “Among the heads of the wolves, grab the bigger one. Again, you’re showing the head of the smaller ones, huh?”.

As if driven by frustration, the sheep took the same head again. Seeing this, the three wolves were astonished.

These are not ordinary goat and sheep. You should not underestimate them. They have killed many wolves and have their heads in the sack. All three were calm for a short time.

Upon seeing the them, one of the wolves, acted like overwhelmed with joy said that it needs some more water to prepare food. So need to go to bring some water.”
After a brief moment, the second wolf also left saying that it will bring the water as the didn’t return yet. The third wolf, however, was clueless about what had just happened. And now the third wolf also wanted to escape. How far has it gone? I will call them back and come with water, it said.

The third wolf, With excitement of escaping from the place ran as fast as it can.

“Courageous goat said, we achieved victory with our strategy. We outsmarted the wolves and escaped from their grasp. Let’s quickly eat, and then head out from here. They will surely return here again.

The food left by the wolves filled their stomachs. Overjoyed and satisfied, they left with enthusiasm.

The three wolves that ran away met each other..

“Why did you run away from the them?,” one of the wolves asked.

“They have confused us. We just blindly accepted to what they said,” replied another wolf.

The third wolf added, “We will go back there immediately, kill them, and have a feast.”

All three wolves arrived at the same place. They noticed that the food prepared was ate by them, and they had also escaped. They realized that the goat and sheep had fooled them.

Feeling regret, the wolves understood not to accept whatever others say we must use our sense to realize the truth.