வினைக்கண் வினைகெடல் ஓம்பல் வினைக்குறை
தீர்ந்தாரின் தீர்ந்தன் றுலகு

In a village, there lived a woman. Her name is Ponni. She had two children. Her husband was away in a distant place for business.

After several days, she received a letter from him, which stated her and the children to come to the town where he stays for buisness.

With her children, she got onto a cart and set out. She drove the cart along with her children. They traveled through a dense forest route. A sense of danger gripped the bulls. Suddenly they started running.

Oh no! What should I do? I’m stuck in the middle of the forest with the children! I heard the roars of lion and many were killed by tigers here, she murmured in fear.

She hid with the children in the branch of a tree nearby. A slightly distant and menacing tiger approached her. Observing it, she contemplated how to handle the situation. A good idea occurred to her.

She pinched both her kids. Both children started screaming like anything.

“Children! Don’t panic, I’ll figure out what to do. Yesterday, to satisfy your hunger, I deliberately caught a tiger to feed you. Just like then, I need to find a tiger to satisfy you today as well. I don’t know Where should I search for a tiger in this forest? However will I manage to get a tiger to come to us tonight? Until then, maintain composure,” she softly conveyed in a reassuring tone.

On hearing this, the tiger moved away. Relieved that the tiger didn’t attack, Ponni stayed still. She realized that the tiger had caught her words, thinking that it would have devoured them by now, and that staying there was not safe. She considered fleeing.

Overjoyed by the success of her plan, she celebrated quietly.

A fox encountered the fleeing tiger. “Forest ruler! Why are you running scared like this? Why are you fleeing instead of facing us? It was only the lion that overcame you with more courage. Our forest doesn’t have any lions. What happened? Explain,” asked the fox.

“Fox! An intruder has entered our forest. A woman with two children is here. She feed each children with a tiger a day. She herself suggested this, which is how I caught the sound with my ears. So, I took a life-threatening charge,” said the tiger.

The fox couldn’t help but chuckle upon hearing this. “Tiger! Are you just running away from a woman? She seems to have outsmarted you. Can human children really eat a tiger? Relax. Let’s go there. We’ll confront them. We’ll kill her and the children, said the fox. That’s what she said. If you had heard the story of those children, you wouldn’t be talking like this. The voice of that intruder still rings in my ears.” the tiger said.

“She’s just an ordinary woman. You need to have belief on me, let’s combine our strengths – let’s tie our tails. Later, both of us will head there together. You won’t face any danger. Both of us will satiate our hunger,” said the fox.

With gratitude, the tiger agreed.

The two animals combined their strengths and tied their tails together. The fox moved ahead, and the tiger followed. They observed the woman and her children who were up a tree. The combined tail of the two animals appeared as one. She realized this when she saw their tails, understanding that the two were working together.

In an angry tone, Ponni said, “Fox! What did I tell you? My kids are hungry, and they’re crying. I need a tiger to satisfy them. I asked to get two tigers and you are bringing only one. Come on now I kill you as well.”

Upon hearing this, the tiger realized the extent of the cunning of the fox. “How deceptive can this fox be? It’s trying to lure us into her trap with its tail tied up, aiming to defeat us.” The tiger started to run as fast as it can. The fox tied up to the tiger’s tail has to run to cope up with its fast.

“Oh tiger! She’s speaking like this to outsmart us. Don’t run away,” the fox screamed.

“You’ve won over my caution. You devised a plan to kill me. Now I won’t listen to your words and fall for your scheme,” the tiger retorted angrily and started running.

The fox that had been tied to the tiger’s tail, dragged through thorns, bushes, and mud. Its coat was covered in dirt. The tiger, without thinking about anything, pulled the fox along and ran. On the way, the fox’s tail got stuck on a thorn. The frustrated fox struggled there while the tiger vanished somewhere, out of sight.

Later, the woman and her children safely reached her husband’s village.

Whatever be the situation don’t be scared. Think and act smartly.